He is 15 so I realize there is a chance we might have to put him down if it is something serious but so far the vet has not been able to figure out why he is bleeding. They have ruled out any type of infection from bloodwork and no tumors from the head xray they did but he is there over night for observation. Even the dog has been looking all over the house for him to "play" with. I just want him to come home and be okay and look like he did in this picture from the summer. (he is an indoor kitty but when we are out doing yard work he likes to sit under the deck and watch and he is like a dog and will come inside when he is called)

On a happier not I got a new monitor for my computer and it is nice and sharp, I just need to calibrate it still. My grandmother wanted a newer monitor for her computer so I gave her my 19 inch and bought myself a 22 inch widescreen.