Well as part of that I ordered the 100mm Macro leans and I am in love with it. I really had nothing interesting to shoot with it and of course I didn’t dig my tripod out so they are not as sharp as the could be but here is some of what I shot today. These are all sooc, and I just shrunk them down for the web, no cropping or PP since I simply didn’t have time. I can’t wait till there is some more interesting things to shoot with it. Not to mention what I can get using a tripod and shutter release.
What do you think CC always welcome. (You can click on images to see it larger)
Beaded Fruit

Smurf figureine

Froggy eyes

Seed pod from the evil weed outback

Oh and some of you might remember the shots I posted of the handmade Kaleidoscope I have
and were trying to figure out what it would look like looking through it. Well I tried to take a shot of it but it did not work out as well as I had hoped but here it is…