I used Denver as my subject, isn't he cute. I set my camera on my tripod and just swapped out my lenses. I shot in AV mode and left my aperature on 5.6 for all these shots and ISO 200.
I have to tell you I am a bit disappointed in how my new 24-70 2.8L performed. I woudl have thought it would be sharper. What do you all think.
These are all SOOC and all I did is convert from raw and shrink them down for the web.
Again these are all at 5.6 and 200 ISO shot on a tripod
Here we have the 50 mm 1.4 lens 1/40 sec

Here is my 100mm 2.8 Macro lens @ 1/20 sec

Here is my 24-70 2.8L
@ 24mm 1/100 sec

@70mm 1/25 sec

These are from my 18-55 EF-S 3.5-5.6 "kit" lens
55mm @ 1/50 sec

18mm @ 1/100 sec

These next 4 are al shot with my 28-135 mm IS 3.5-5.6
With IS turned off
28mm @ 1/30 sec

135mm @ 1/13 sec

With IS turned on
28 @ 1/30 sec

135mm @1/13 sec

Last is a lens I rarely use and I can see why.. It is my 80-200mm 4.5-5.6
80mm @ 1/15 sec

200mm @ 1/13 sec